Beginners Course
A one day introductory course for beginners. More details in the course information.

Beginners Platter and Bowl Course
A one day platter and bowl turning course aimed at beginners. More details in the course information.

Pewter Casting with Wood
A one day course covering pewter casting with wood. More details in the course information.

Refresher/Improvers Course
A course aimed at those wanting to progress further and / or revisit problem areas. Course content is variable depending on the requests of those [...]

Sharpening Workshop
A half day course covering tool sharpening. More details in the course information.

Two Day Beginners spindle turning & Platters and bowls course
A two day course including the content of both one day beginners courses. More details in the course information.
Woodturning Course
An umbrella category for all woodturning courses. Contact me if you don't find what you want.